Having a new baby is such an exciting time in life. Nine months of joy, and maybe a little anxiety and restlessness too if you're anything like me! These tiny little people sure are lovable but sometimes it can rustle feathers when a new babe comes home and everything shifts a little. I think the addition can be the hardest on the little ones, especially if you have a babe who is still nursing or co sleeping and super attached to mama. While having babies close together can be a bit challenging in those first few weeks and months, I really do love the bond that siblings close in age share! Here are a couple ways I prepared our little ones for the transition when bringing home a new babe.
There is so much to do when getting ready for baby, whether you are decorating a nursery or just setting up a cot and washing little linens. I'm a big fan of letting children help with everything from buying baby clothes and folding blankets to organizing the diapers. I think it gives them a sense that it truly is "our baby". Plus being involved during the pregnancy helps them look forward to the new arrival just as much as the parents!
I am a big advocate of attachment parenting and all the baby wearing and co sleeping that goes along with it. However, it can be hard to juggle several little ones wanting to nurse or be held all at the same time! I found myself about to welcome a new babe while still having a toddler sleeping in my bed and I found it helpful to start giving them more options for independence a few months before the baby was born. Things like setting up a new bed for them with linens they picked out, or a new little desk they can enjoy coloring at. Or their own little basket and doll to care for. Children have a strong need to feel important in the family and by having their own place and responsibilities we can help them not feel like they're being brushed aside when a new baby arrives.
As tiring as those first few weeks can be, it's so important to carve out quality time with your other children each day. Little things like snuggling up to me while I nurse the baby, or lying in bed with me while I'm resting and watching their favorite movie. Reading them a bedtime story after the baby is already swaddled and fast asleep. I lavish them with hugs and kisses! With older children, this can be chatting over breakfast or spending the baby's nap time doing something fun. Making those simple little connections throughout the day help keep those relationships close even while I'm devoting a larger part of my day to the new babe.
This is especially important and fun! Children naturally have a nurturing instinct and it's so easy to guide that to helping to care for their new little sibling. Things like letting little ones help bathe the babies, get them dressed, swaddle them, anything I am doing, they can help. I use a soft voice to say "gentle gentle" when they need a little reminder to be gentle and calm.
Of course there are always those times when your hands are full and you just need to occupy the two year old for a few more minutes. To help prepare for those long days I love the idea of putting together a new little activity basket for the other children. Simple things like some new pens and activity books, a pad of paper to color on, modeling clay, stringing beads, board books. Things that can hold their attention for a bit and make them feel special when mama's hands are full. It never hurts to be prepared!