Banana Pear Teething Biscuits

Banana Pear Teething Biscuits

I'm using the same method I came up with when I had my first baby, Akemi loves them! Not exact science, but super easy to make. And perfect for little ones who still have a limited diet!

Banana Pear Teething Biscuits

makes about a dozen

1 ripe banana
1 ripe pear
1/4 cup water
1 cup brown rice flour
1/2 cup baby rice cereal

1) preheat oven to 350.

2) peel, core, and chop pear. peel and chop banana. toss fruit into blender, add water, and puree until liquified.

3) pour fruit liquid into medium mixing bowl. add brown rice flour and baby rice cereal. stir until well mixed. should be about cookie dough consistency, add a little more flour if you need to.

4) scoop dough onto baking sheet lined with a silpat liner (I use this one) or if you don't have a silpat, lightly oil the cookie sheet to prevent sticking.  I used a 2 tablespoon sized scoop for each biscuit. then flattened them slightly and shaped them into oblong biscuits. the dough is sticky, so dip your fingers in a glass a warm water to smooth the biscuits out if needed. make stripes on top with a knife if desired.

5) bake for about 30 minutes or until golden brown. cool. store in covered container for up to a week.


  1. Can you freeze these?

  2. make sure to put non-stick spray or something down on the baking sheet!

  3. can I use regular flour if I don't have the rice flour?

  4. You said store am I to store them then?


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